
Earth Day! Let’s celebrate!

Friday is Earth Day. Most of us spend every waking and sleeping hour on this planet.We call it home, but sometimes we take it for granted. What could you do to give back to our big blue marble?

- Plant a tree. (or a bush or a seed)

- Walk instead of driving. (or skip, run, dance)

- Ride a bicycle. (or a cow, horse or unicycle)

- Share a commute with a neighbor or co-worker, or take public transportation. (And share good conversation on the way!)

- Volunteer to help clean up your local park or neighborhood. (Start with your own yard.)

- Use reuseable shopping bags, buy less and consider food packaging. Do you really need a separate plastic produce bag for lemons, limes, squash and onions. Go sans plastic bags, since you’re going to wash them anyway. (And use the food you buy. Don’t waste it and let it rot for a couple of weeks in the fridge.)

- Take shorter showers. (Turn water on, turn off, soap up, turn water on and do a quick rinse. Done!)

- Use less pesticides, fertilizers and chemicals around your home. Or stop using unfriendly products altogether. (You might not have the prettiest lawn in the neighborhood, but you’ll feel safe having your kids play there.)

- Spend the evening watching a sunset — not the TV. (The color reception is so much better.)

- Play outside. (Bouncing balls, Hula-hoops and horseshoes are more Earth-friendly than living room-friendly.)

- Take your children on a nature hike, sharing appreciation of our environment. (Don’t touch the poison ivy!)

Share your Earth-celebrating ideas with The Oklahoman and our readers. You might inspire someone else to follow your example.

–Linda Lynn
Posted by hiccupson April 19, 2011M at 11:53 am

What about you? What could YOU do to help save our planet?


Com se diz "Lei Seca" em inglês!!

A lei seca foi criada com a função de detectar motoristas sem condições de dirigir por estarem sob a influencia do alcool. Eu mesmo já fui parado duas vezes! Mas como não bebo, nada aconteceu! Mas não deixa de ser um incômodo! Mas como algumas pessoas não tem consciência, pagamos todos!
E como se diz isso em inglês?

A blitz em inglês se diz: "checkpoint". E a blitz da lei seca se diz: "Sobriety Checkpoint!"

e.g. I was driving happily when I came across a sobriety checkpoint. Thank God I didn't drink that day!

Gostou? Mais um pro seu vocabulário!! Agora, crie uma situação para poder usar o novo vocábulo!Mas lembre-se: Se dirigir, não beba!!

Marcio Barbosa


Earthworms rain down on school

Pupils at a Scottish school had to run for cover when it started raining worms during their PE lesson.

Teacher David Crichton was leading a group of pupils playing football on an astroturf pitch at Galashiels Academy when dozens of worms began plummeting from the sky.

The boys had to abandon their lesson as the earthworms fell during the bizarre incident, reports STV.

Mr Crichton, 26, said: "We started hearing this wee thudding noise on the ground. There were about 20 worms already on the ground at this point.

"Then they just kept coming down. The kids were laughing but some were covering their heads and others were running for cover for a while. They just scattered to get out of the way."

Mr. Crichton and his colleagues eventually found around 120 worms in total on the artificial football pitch and nearby tennis courts.

He added: "Everyone was having a laugh at me about it until they went out and saw for themselves. They were joking about it - and I said 'if you don't believe me go out and have a look'.

"Everyone thought I was mad. They came back in and looked shocked. The boys have certainly been talking all about it since then.

"I spoke with the science department here but none of them had any explanation for it. One of them thought maybe it was a freak weather thing. But it was such a clear, calm day."

Source: orange.co.uk